Tag Archives: Manitoba

‘Where’s The Proof?’

Unsubstantiated hearsay concerning incidents decades ago has resulted in a call for more money, and a government that instantly starts apologizing {Surprise, surprise…}: 

“A Manitoba chief says ‘indigenous’ {actually, ‘aboriginal’} women in the north should be compensated for the sexual abuse they allegedly suffered at the hands of hydro workers decades ago. Kevin Hart, regional chief for the Assembly of ‘First Nations’ {‘Aboriginal Communities’}, says there should also be a broader inquiry into resource development and the treatment of ‘indigenous’ women.

{What is really needed is an inquiry into the treatment of aboriginal women by aboriginal men…}  Continue reading ‘Where’s The Proof?’

‘Premier Says No To Extortion’

Thanks to our foolish courts, now even ‘partial aboriginals’ have inherited ‘privilege’ and are starting to throw their inflated weight around. The legal industry must STOP dividing and selling out Canada for profit. Here, some ‘Metis’ successfully coerced Manitoba Hydro into a payout, using protests and interference in hydro operations {See below}, and are furious that the Premier intervened. Now, the Manitoba ‘Metis’ Federation says it will go to court, and are demanding the Premier’s resignation…

“The Manitoba Metis Federation says it will go to court over a deal the federation made with Manitoba Hydro to approve future projects, including a transmission line to the U.S. border. The MMF claims the provincial government has breached a foundational deal it negotiated and signed in 2014, called the ‘Turning the Page Agreement’. Continue reading ‘Premier Says No To Extortion’

‘Tribal Dysfunction Costs Manitoba Taxpayers’

This story continues without a resolution, from a combination of government incompetence and cowardice. As a result, the law is not being enforced against this aboriginal group, and the rest of Manitobans are paying for this unequal application of the law…

In 1996, an armed rebellion (including members of the ‘Manitoba Warriors’ criminal gang) which resulted in the arson of 3 homes (including the Chief’s), resulted in the eviction of 350 Band members from what was then called the Waterhen reserve in Manitoba. 

The dispute revolved around the competition for power between two dominant families {“Local legend has it that the bad blood between the Catcheway and Nepinak families dates back over 100 years.”}. Since then, the rebels have demanded their own reserve but the federal government insists that new land for it must be subtracted from the original reserve. The Waterhen (now Skownan) ‘First Nation’ refuses to sanction the changes, so the rebels have been housed since 1996 by ‘Manitoba Housing’, and have refused to pay rent for 21 years… 

“‘Indigenous’ {‘descendants of Siberian settler’} families who face eviction from ‘Manitoba Housing’ units in Portage la Prairie…have vowed to move onto the legislature lawn when they lose their homes.

They’ve been living in Manitoba Housing in Portage since 1996, but have never paid rent. The province says they owe more than $1.2 million Continue reading ‘Tribal Dysfunction Costs Manitoba Taxpayers’

‘Manitoba: Another Illegal Blockade’

In the past, when tribes have illegally blockaded Manitoba roadways and Manitoba Hydro, the Province has not only NOT arrested the criminals, but has given in to the extortion. The result – of course – is yet another blockade… ERBLManitoba-AnotherIllegalBlockade800x800

“Around a dozen people from the Opaskwayak Cree ‘Nation’ {a ‘nation’ of 5,315 people} and their supporters have erected a {dangerous and illegal} blockade on a major highway in northern Manitoba, stopping trucks and equipment bound for a massive hydroelectric development project. 

Continue reading ‘Manitoba: Another Illegal Blockade’