Category Archives: Bullying

‘Book Banning in Quesnel’

One of the worst aspects of totalitarian societies is the pressure exerted on individuals to betray and ultimately denounce friends, relatives, even their own parents or spouse. This odious practice is now being demanded by some Canadian ‘Indigenous’ leaders and local activists in a northern B.C. town – under the guise of “reconciliation”. The crime? A prominent local woman purchased an ‘unapproved’ book and dared to suggest that a few acquaintances read it. Now her husband – the local Mayor, who had nothing to do with it – is being pressured not only to resign his office but to denounce his own wife for her thought-crime.”

–C2C Journal

These councillors should have tried reading the book before making complete virtue-signalling fools of themselves:

“Councillors in Quesnel, B.C., voted unanimously to censure their Mayor, saying his actions related to a book that denies the harms of Canada’s residential school system {which it doesn’t} have jeopardized the city’s relationship with ‘Indigenous’ {sic, Aboriginal} communities.

Continue reading ‘Book Banning in Quesnel’

‘Aboriginal Supremacy Rebounds On The Media’

So, back in the swing of things with a racist rant from aboriginal women engaged in an illegal protest on Parliament Hill. The only redeeming aspect of this is that the unprovoked verbal assault was directed at an aboriginal-sympathetic ‘CBC’ reporter. Irony abounds. The CBC reporter wanted them to say that Trudeau was an improvement on Harper. Instead, she – and the male reporter who tried to civilly ask a similar question, were arrogantly lectured about how they were “guests here” — the ridiculous racist claim that the descendants of Siberian settlers own all of Canada. Of course, the CBC didn’t set them straight on this foolishness, much less call them out on their blatant racism. And the Prime Minister? Well, he avoided the issue, like always {See below}.
Welcome to Canada – 150 years in…

“A group of ‘indigenous’ {descendants of Siberian settlers} demonstrators who have been protesting on Parliament Hill held a press conference today that quickly descended into racist rants directed at reporters Continue reading ‘Aboriginal Supremacy Rebounds On The Media’

‘Chief Lashes Out At ‘Evil Bitches’

“West Moberly ‘First Nation’ {a B.C. ‘nation’ of 274 people} Chief Roland Willson has lashed out at Premier Christy Clark and BC Hydro CEO Jessica McDonald in a ‘Facebook’ post, calling them “evil bitches”. 


“The West Moberly are one of two ‘First Nations’ fighting Hydro’s Site C dam project in federal court…
{They just lost their case in the B.C. Supreme Court – see below. They are also suing in Federal Court…}

“In the comments section, Willson also posted a photo of a cartoon middle finger, with the caption, “Hey Christy and Jessica!”  Continue reading ‘Chief Lashes Out At ‘Evil Bitches’

When will the media talk about native racism?

This is the kind of huge racist abuse people get from natives who use being their race to attack others who are not their race, that the mainstream media refuses, absolutely refuses to cover honestly, while they cater to every complaint if it’s a native blaming Canada for it.

ERBL when will the media talk about native racism-2

To paraphrase, this man says “white” $%&^$# owe him money for his land, and have not paid one red penny since 1492, and it’s all their land, anyway.

(see first comment on Facebook post, or next post, or website for screenshot of racist abuse.)

We, who are not that one race, all pay rent, mortgages, land leases and taxes, and yet this man speaks to people who are total strangers, whom he perceives as “whites”, as if they not only do not belong, have not paid for land, but owe one race forever if we are not the same race, just for existing on the same continent as they do, at the same time. He didn’t pay for land in 1492, none of his ancestors did, they fought for it, and stole it from other tribes for centuries, until Canada was formed. Continue reading When will the media talk about native racism?

Ontario Human Rights Tribunal accommodates race bullying of lawyer

It doesn’t get any more hypocritical, ironic, and alarming than a native bringing a “whiteman” lawyer up on charges with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal for posting a disclaimer on his website to let people know he wrote essays about the ‘Indian Act’ in Canada. Lets be clear, this is not a legitimate discrimination charge, the native man filing the complaint was not discriminated against, or refused service — this is a blatant racist bullying abuse to silence a well-known author and critic of the “Indian Industry”, and to ruin his life. What else is new?  Continue reading Ontario Human Rights Tribunal accommodates race bullying of lawyer

We have no reason to be ashamed


I get a lot of attacks hurled at me, from people who think I am trying to make the natives look bad, so this is a post stepping up to the plate and putting myself in the same light, and same life lessons. I know more than the average person should about alcoholism, control issues, and the perpetual cycle of abuse.

In a microcosm I grew up with so many of the issues I now talk about politically, because the anchor this race blame game depends upon is based on controlling everyone with a set agenda of manipulative brainwashing dialogue, something I had as a child, that I was left on my own to figure out. It was ingrained in us to be “ashamed” of things no one should be ashamed of, and it took a long time to break free from it.

Shame is a powerful tool and it’s being used on Canadians who are not the same race as natives, the same way it was in my family growing up. Some fell for it and became that, too, but I learned how to repel the subversive abuse and control tactics of “shame”, because I did the work and learned it was a tactic to stun and subdue a person, in order to control them. I do not let anyone make me feel ashamed for the things I know are more important than being popular, or liked. I feel proud that I can’t be swayed by abuse and bullying, even though it did damage. I earned being able to talk about these issues, and it took decades to learn it. I can honestly say I am not a sheep because of the abuse I endured and the skills I learned from it all.

It’s been a challenging line for me to walk, to know what “shame” does to debilitate the human spirit, and yet I know I have also “shamed” so many of the people who used their race to come attack, abuse, bully, and even give death threats, in order to silence me, all of us, really. That’s a hard one on me, because I do try to be fair, and I don’t want to shame people, really, but how do I get them to listen and stop abusing and shaming us, for things none of us even did?

SHAMING A PHANTOM ENEMY, THEY HAVE NO ONE PERSON OR NAME….IT’S JUST EVERYONE WHO IS NOT THEIR RACE. It’s not fair, it’s abusive, and it’s very “inherently” racist.

I can take the bullying I get in this issue, because I was raised with threats, bullying and abuse. That’s what created the “bully’s bully” in me over time. I had to toe-the-line for controlling alcoholics who could and often did flip my world upside down at any given control freak mood, so I have a great amount of sympathy, and a sense of protection, towards the grassroots aboriginals who go through this on the reserves. Money was the weapon used to control in our family, like it is on the reserves all too often, and I really, really know what that’s like, to be stuck and not able to escape the Chief who won’t help you if you don’t stroke his ego or play the game. Trying to leave, or bring change, awareness or better ideas to the chaos, only results in being ostracized, cut off of funding, and more shaming.

I know.

I had to navigate through so much, and it took me down a few times, and it broke me. I struggled with substance abuse, and not knowing how to unravel the complexity of these issues. How do you get out, when no one else will come with you? How do you stand alone, no matter who is trying to drag you back down into the abuse?

Everything I am here sharing, to try as hard as I can to bring a new conversation and a new dialogue, is all stuff I had to learn by life challenging me. I am rough around the edges because it hurt me and I got damaged and tough, but I also got tons of therapy and really believe in taking accountability for how we feel.

During my mother’s death recently, I was tested again by the forces I grew up with, but I won’t go backwards into the cycle of abuse, so when I encourage the natives to do this, I am doing it too. It’s super hard, and it takes real work, but there is so much information, help and resources out there, and Lord knows the natives get more resources than anyone else, so my challenge to CHANGE THE DIALOGUE, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, is how I survived.

I really do challenge all who use their race to blame others in Canada, and everyone for that matter, to do the work, own your stuff, and learn what the cycle of abuse is, and how to get out of it. Google it, the information is everywhere. “Co-dependent No More” is a perennial best seller in the self help category, it was my first voyage into learning about my own contributions to my life and abuse issues.

I do not want to shame and I do not want to see anyone behave shamefully, so in this conversation, whether you are for race laws, or against them, no matter what race you are, the main reason my banned list is so long, is because I shut down abuse.

For the natives on Twitter who hounded me recently, and everyone else who asked me why I ban, that is the reason. I am shutting down the cycle of abuse, not allowing the perpetual broken record of self inflicted dialogue that is a shaming spirit breaker. No one on this page is going to abuse anyone, and that includes the natives. We do not allow anyone to cross that line.

This is a political issue about race laws, but it’s mired in the game of shame and guilt, and so we have to talk about the human side of how this race bullying has worked….shame.

Break the cycle of abuse from all sides. The natives need to stop shaming others, and others can’t shame them. They need to regain their dignity and no amount of blaming & shaming others who are not their race, will accomplish that task.

I said from the start that this was about being brave enough to start a new conversation, where we ask the aboriginals to work on their racism and abuse issues and see what their race agendas are doing to hurt themselves, and others. It’s lose/lose with shame based thinking, no one gets out and no one gets better.


I do not feel guilty or ashamed for wanting equal laws. I spent years and years enduring shame and abuse, to learn how to say that, and mean it. I do not feel guilty for being alive here, and the natives have to stop trying to implant that abusive idea, that invalidation, and that racist shame into our national psyche.

I deal with the abuse in my family and my family members, the exact same way, and I am never embarrassed to go get help when I need some balance and wisdom, or when I am the abuser and I need to regroup.

We are all in this together.

Michele Tittler


(same post on Facebook)

‘Clean Up Your Own Backyard’

While Justice Murray Sinclair of the ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ continues to lecture and guilt-trip Canadians for the perceived ‘sins’ of their ancestors, his wife has been accused of repeatedly bullying and intimidating both clients and staff at the aboriginal aid society {‘Native Women’s Transition Centre’} which she directs — a story that the mainstream media, and ‘CBC Aboriginal’, continue to ignore:ERBLCleanUpYourOwnBackyard800x800‘Judge’s wife placed on leave after complaints of toxic workplace’  

    “I was in an abusive relationship… I didn’t think I was going to be walking into something so similar to what I was in.”  

    “This is not residential school all over again.”

Katherine Morrisseau-Sinclair and Justice Murray Sinclair“Almost 10 months after staff and clients of the ‘Native Women’s Transition Centre’ forwarded serious complaints about Executive Director Katherine Morrisseau Sinclair to the NDP government… an email from Board Chair Sherri Walsh, a well-known city lawyer, said that Sinclair is on leave from the organization as of…December 18th.   Continue reading ‘Clean Up Your Own Backyard’


“In one instance outlined in court documents, the company claims Sachigo Lake ‘First Nation’ demanded close to a quarter of its exploration budget – about $1.2 million – for its 2012 drill campaign, calling it an “administration fee”.

“When the company refused to give in, the ‘First Nation’ {a ‘nation’ of 814 people} served them with an “eviction” notice {from what is no longer aboriginal land}, forcing them to stop exploration work and leave the area.”

ERBLShakedown800x800“Two employees from a Sudbury-based junior mining company were held hostage for one day by members of a northwestern Ontario ‘First Nation’ band in 2011, in an attempt to obtain payment from the company as it carried out a gold exploration activity…

“…The company contends it was forced to pay $40,000 to the ‘First Nation’ to free two workers, who were “physically detained”, along with some equipment…”  Continue reading ‘Shakedown’

‘Not Very Neighbourly’

“The tolls arbitrarily imposed on the Morley reserve Monday went straight into the pockets of the band members who collected them. And the only legacy they left was one of anger and frustration among the drivers who, through no fault of their own, had to ransom themselves so they could continue their travels…” 

ERBLNotVeryNeighbourly800x800“After a deadly accident closed part of the Trans Canada Highway west of Calgary on Monday, drivers who attempted to take a detour through a ‘First Nation’ were told to pay $20 or turn back.  Continue reading ‘Not Very Neighbourly’