Tag Archives: History

‘The Genocide of the Dorset’

“The first people were giants
Their chests were broad and their hands could grab seals whole
They walked with spirits on the ice and never fell through
Though they were strong, they did not possess the tools of war
And the new people drove them back from the sea”
—Excerpt from “An Oral History of Baffin Island”

Continue reading ‘The Genocide of the Dorset’

‘Mi’kmaq Bullies Get Their Way’

“This is not the way to run a city, based on threats of violence.”
–Halifax city councillor.

“A recent decision by the Halifax City Council to tear down their own city’s history is but the latest example of a nation eager to dismantle its founders. Mayor Mike Savage and the city councillors who have voted to remove the statue of Edward Cornwallis have betrayed their duty to Haligonians and Canadians.
{The statue has since been taken down…} Continue reading ‘Mi’kmaq Bullies Get Their Way’

‘Senator Beyak: For The Record’

This is an edited transcript of a speech that Senator Lynn Beyak gave to the Canadian Senate. In response, the Aboriginal Industry started making her a focus of their attacks, which continue to this day…

‘Senator Beyak: For The Record’

Hon. Lynn Beyak:
“Honourable Senators… I want to present a somewhat different side of the residential school story…

“Today, I will take a broad look at several timely ‘indigenous’ issues that are before us. I speak partly for the record, but mostly in memory of the kindly and well-intentioned men and women and their descendants — perhaps some of us here in this chamber — whose remarkable works, good deeds and historical tales in the residential schools go unacknowledged for the most part, and are overshadowed by negative reports. Obviously, the negative issues must be addressed, but it is unfortunate that they are sometimes magnified and considered more newsworthy than the abundance of good… Continue reading ‘Senator Beyak: For The Record’

‘Happy Sir John A. Macdonald Day’

Despite the ongoing attempts of the racist Aboriginal Industry and its foolish ‘allies’ to diminish his accomplishments and demean him personally, fair-minded Canadians – and that’s most of us – will take a moment to give thanks to the man who, more than any other, stubbornly kept pushing for his vision of what became Canada.

“Sir John A., in my opinion, is the ‘godfather of genocide’.”

“A group of ‘indigenous’ protesters in Ontario is taking credit for chasing the name of Canada’s first prime minister off the name of a local pub.

“It’s a huge victory for us,”
said Theresa Eagles, a member of ‘Idle No More Kingston/Katarokwi’.
“There’s {sic} been a lot of people who agree Sir John A. needs to be in a museum. Not in public for everyone to celebrate.”

Continue reading ‘Happy Sir John A. Macdonald Day’

‘Paying for the Truth’

The Aboriginal Industry works hard at silencing opposition, and a courageous Canadian Senator is their latest victim:

“Sen. Lynn Beyak, known for {correctly} defending residential schools as “well-intentioned”, has been kicked out of the ‘Conservative’ caucus after she refused to remove “racist” comments {letters of support from Canadians} posted to her Senate website.

“Beyak had posted roughly 100 letters in support of her earlier defence of residential schools…to her Senate website {Excerpts and link at bottom of post}.

“In a statement, ‘Conservative’ Leader Andrew Scheer said he found out about the letters on Tuesday and asked Beyak to remove some of the comments, but she refused… Continue reading ‘Paying for the Truth’

‘Enough Of Us Hating Ourselves’

“Europeans and those from other continents who immigrated legally to Canada and their descendants, have a right to live here equal to that of any ‘indigenous’ person.” 

“It is surely time for a serious, non-partisan, open-minded public policy discussion of the subject of ‘indigenous people’ {‘descendants of Siberian settlers’}. I believe there is a very strong consensus that everyone wishes them well; most people acknowledge that the native people have some legitimate grievances and want to address them, and almost everyone acknowledges that official policy in this area has been unsuccessful. And a great many people are tired of the issue and impatient for a change in the ambiance of ever-greater expense and more militantly-expressed native grievances.  Continue reading ‘Enough Of Us Hating Ourselves’

‘Tearing Down Canada’s History’

“A call for the removal of the Edward Cornwallis statue in Halifax has reached an all-time high {Evidence?}, with a protest planned for Saturday.

“The ‘Facebook’ event “Removing Cornwallis” is calling for the {ILLEGAL} removal of the former governor’s statue in Cornwallis Park, with a gathering there scheduled for Saturday, July 15 from noon to 3 p.m.
https://www.facebook.com/events/1904629933090599/ Continue reading ‘Tearing Down Canada’s History’

‘Demonizing The Past: Cornwallis’

Race activists in Halifax are threatening to take down the statue of the city’s founder, Edward Cornwallis. The ‘activists’ in Halifax on Canada Day were also protesting Cornwallis, claiming he was guilty of instituting the ‘genocide’ of local aboriginal tribes, the proof being his ‘bounty on Mi’kmaq scalps’ {which was simply a response to aboriginal scalping of the British – see below}. 

While Edward Cornwallis was far from a saint — see his brutal repression of the Jacobite uprising of 1745 — in Canada, Cornwallis was simply one participant in a much larger series of wars that included scalping on ALL sides:  Continue reading ‘Demonizing The Past: Cornwallis’

‘Rewriting History: Wounded Knee’

December 29th was the 126th anniversary of the Wounded Knee ‘Massacre’, an event that is being portrayed as similar to the Nazis lining up unarmed Jews alongside a ditch and executing them (As in the featured image). However, an eyewitness account tells quite a different story of the unfolding of this tragedy


‘Eyewitness to a Massacre’
“Philip Wells was a mixed-blood Sioux who served as an interpreter for the Army. He later recounted what he saw that Monday morning:  Continue reading ‘Rewriting History: Wounded Knee’

‘A Licence To Break The Law’

Canadians are puzzled by police refusal to arrest aboriginal road, rail and pipeline blockaders, or government office occupiers. However, this two-tiered, racially-biased policing can be traced back at least 40 years. Here’s an analysis of some 1970s’ lawlessness produced by an Aboriginal Industry activist and anti-Canadian who is, of course, employed by a taxpayer-supported Canadian university: 


“When approximately thirty members of the ‘Idle No More’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’ movements entered the ‘Indigenous’ and Northern Affairs (‘I’NAC) office in Toronto on April 13, 2016…the group, calling itself ‘#OccupyINAC’ was drawing on long-established political strategies.

“‘Indigenous’ peoples have occupied Indian Affairs offices before.  Continue reading ‘A Licence To Break The Law’