Tag Archives: U.S.

‘Not With A Bang, But A Whimper’

“On Thursday morning {Feb. 23, 2017}, law enforcement entered the ‘Oceti Sakowin’ camp to do a final sweep before officially shutting it down, ending a months-long protest against the completion of the nearby ‘Dakota Access Pipeline’. 

erblnotwithabangbutawhimper800x800“The Oceti Sakowin camp was the largest of several temporary camps on the northern edge of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. Protesters have been living on this land for months…

“The ‘North Dakota Joint Information Center’ reports that 46 people were arrested today. Others left the camp voluntarily throughout the day, according to a news release from the center… Continue reading ‘Not With A Bang, But A Whimper’

‘Rewriting History: Wounded Knee’

December 29th was the 126th anniversary of the Wounded Knee ‘Massacre’, an event that is being portrayed as similar to the Nazis lining up unarmed Jews alongside a ditch and executing them (As in the featured image). However, an eyewitness account tells quite a different story of the unfolding of this tragedy


‘Eyewitness to a Massacre’
“Philip Wells was a mixed-blood Sioux who served as an interpreter for the Army. He later recounted what he saw that Monday morning:  Continue reading ‘Rewriting History: Wounded Knee’

‘Leonard Peltier Is NOT A Political Prisoner’

Before there was ‘Idle No More’, before the Supreme Court and the overturning of land title, before Caledonia, Ipperwash and Oka, and even before ‘Section 35’, the early 1970s provided the first modern ‘hero’ of the aboriginal rights movement. Leonard Peltier obtained celebrity status worldwide as representative of the injustice and suffering of North American Indians.


There was only one problem with this picture: Leonard Peltier was in reality a thug enforcer for the ‘American Indian Movement’ (A.I.M.) — and a murderer, to boot. Grab a coffee and settle in for the made-for-tv saga: The fabricating of an Indian ‘legend’…  Continue reading ‘Leonard Peltier Is NOT A Political Prisoner’

‘No Treaty Leg To Stand On’

“There has been a lot of talk of late about treaties from the protesters trying to block the ‘Dakota Access Pipeline’, with the assertion that the land the pipeline is being built on is land the Sioux people never ceded to the federal government…

“…the ‘Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868’ seems to say that the tribe must accept the pipeline…  

erblnotreatylegtostandon800x800 Continue reading ‘No Treaty Leg To Stand On’

‘Pipeline Phobia’

‘Standing Rock Aboriginal Protest Leader Advises and Encourages Illegal Anti-pipeline Actions in Canada’:

“There really isn’t much of a border when it comes to these issues…”
{In her speech, she refers to “so-called Canada”…}


“Dozens of people packed a free, public event {Paid for and initiated by U.S.-organized and funded ‘Leadnow’. See below…} Thursday evening in Vancouver to hear about how ‘direct-action’ {‘illegal’} protests have affected the ‘Dakota Access Pipeline’, and whether those tactics might ‘translate’ to ‘Kinder Morgan’s Burnaby Mountain project.  Continue reading ‘Pipeline Phobia’