Tag Archives: Metis

‘I Am a Metis Woman’

“I am a Metis woman. A half breed. What is called a “road allowance Indian“. Too white for the rez and too dark for the suburbs.

“I have been told many times in my life that I am too white skinned to be considered Indian by the very Indians that scream “racism“. Isn’t that racist against “half” of your own?

“I have been told I am too dark skinned to be considered white by many white people. Again. I am “half” of those people, too. Continue reading ‘I Am a Metis Woman’

‘When Will It End?’

It would seem that ‘Reconciliation’ ISN’T about bringing us closer together as fellow Canadians, but about recognizing our differences and further enshrining them. Our federal government, dominated by the billion-dollar Aboriginal Industry, is negotiating EVEN MORE Treaties, rather than ending this anachronistic practice once and for all. But don’t worry – it’s only going to cost Canadians more money…and another little piece of our country governed by different rules than the rest of Canada, with rights based on race/ethnicity.

Continue reading ‘When Will It End?’

‘Supreme Court Dividing Canadians’

The Canadian taxpayers are now expected to pay for even more ‘dependents’, land claims, etc., as Canadian lawyers continue to divide Canadians into two separate racial and legal categories: ERBLSupremeCourtDividingCanadians800x800“The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that tens of thousands {600,000} of Métis and non-status Indians are the responsibility of the federal government, ending a 17-year court battle.

“In a unanimous ruling that may serve now as a starting point for those pursuing land claims and additional government services, the court held that non-status Indians and Métis are considered “Indians” under ‘section 91(24)’ of the ‘1867 Constitutional Act’.  Continue reading ‘Supreme Court Dividing Canadians’

‘Leading Canada Backwards…’

“Who ever thought a federal election would generate a new discussion of ‘What exactly is the Canadian nation?’

ERBLLeadingCanadaBackwards800x800“I had thought that was already settled: the Canadian “nation” being the sum of all its parts … a cohesive society made up of all its citizens … peoples originating from all around the world…

“In the New World … where EVERYBODY’s descendants came from somewhere else … “nations” (Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Australia, etc.) have been regarded in modern times as a compendium of all the people … from everywhere … that is, ANYONE holding citizenship is part of the Canadian ”nation”.

“But apparently, Mulcair and Trudeau do NOT see Canada this way.

“Both of them, during the course of the campaign, have expressed the view that Canada is composed of TWO nations: those of us from all around the world, as outlined above …  and aboriginals.

“Because both have said, if elected, they will establish a new relationship and regard any negotiations between the government and aboriginals as being on the basis of “NATION TO NATION”

“Huh? Continue reading ‘Leading Canada Backwards…’