Tag Archives: Trudeau Junior

‘Aboriginal Supremacy Rebounds On The Media’

So, back in the swing of things with a racist rant from aboriginal women engaged in an illegal protest on Parliament Hill. The only redeeming aspect of this is that the unprovoked verbal assault was directed at an aboriginal-sympathetic ‘CBC’ reporter. Irony abounds. The CBC reporter wanted them to say that Trudeau was an improvement on Harper. Instead, she – and the male reporter who tried to civilly ask a similar question, were arrogantly lectured about how they were “guests here” — the ridiculous racist claim that the descendants of Siberian settlers own all of Canada. Of course, the CBC didn’t set them straight on this foolishness, much less call them out on their blatant racism. And the Prime Minister? Well, he avoided the issue, like always {See below}.
Welcome to Canada – 150 years in…


“A group of ‘indigenous’ {descendants of Siberian settlers} demonstrators who have been protesting on Parliament Hill held a press conference today that quickly descended into racist rants directed at reporters Continue reading ‘Aboriginal Supremacy Rebounds On The Media’

‘Saving The Planet’

“A young Inuit woman addressed the assembly at the ‘UN Conference on Climate Change’ in Marrakesh…on Canada’s behalf. 

“According to the ‘National Post’, the Canadian delegation in Marrakesh comprised 17 representatives from various ‘indigenous’ {‘Siberian settler’} groups.


“Maatalii Okalik, president of the ‘Inuit Youth Council’, accompanied Minister of the Environment Catherine McKenna to the ‘22nd Conference of the Parties on Climate Change’ (COP 22) where she pleaded for the world leaders to take native communities into account. 

Continue reading ‘Saving The Planet’

‘Defying Canada’

“Canadian aboriginal groups and their allies said…they ‘have the power’ to block proposed oil pipelines on land where they have ‘proven title’, dismissing comments by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau {and the Supreme Court} , who said no community has a veto. ERBLDefyingCanada800x800“Trudeau told ‘Reuters’…that unanimous consent is not needed for the government to approve pipeline projects to bring Canadian oil to market, even as he pledged consultation with aboriginals and environmentalists who oppose projects.  Continue reading ‘Defying Canada’

‘Chiefs Demand Say On Climate Change…Or Else’

“Alberta wants to develop more? Well, we will be there to stand in the way.” 

ERBLChiefsDemandSayOnClimateChange800x800“Athabasca Chipewyan Chief Allan Adams {leader of a ‘nation’ of 463 people} stormed out of the meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada’s premiers, and ‘indigenous’ leaders on ‘climate change’ in Vancouver on March 2nd, because he said it fell to shambles.

“I think Canada’s in a ‘crisis’ and it ain’t going to get any better now. Canada failed terribly, the provinces failed terribly in regards to addressing this issue”, said an infuriated Adam.

Continue reading ‘Chiefs Demand Say On Climate Change…Or Else’

‘Keep The Accountability’

    “Once all is said and done, there’s an awful lot of money, aimed at improving the collective lives of ‘First Nations’ people, that’s being eaten up by high-paid and self-righteous leadership.”

    “Our leadership has no need for huge payouts while their people struggle to get by. And it’s especially angering when they take the money and still talk about honoring our traditions. 

    “So why not open the books on band management? Why not allow Canadians and their own people to see how much they are paid, how much they ring up on expenses, and how the fiscal dollars directed toward the community are divided and spent?”

ERBLKeepTheAccountability800x800“Is Ottawa’s promised ‘nation-to-nation’ relationship with ‘indigenous peoples’ mainly about protecting the power of ‘First Nation’ leaders and ignoring the interests of the grassroots?  

“The first sign in that direction occurred in December, when the Trudeau government announced it was taking teeth out of the ‘First Nations’ Financial Transparency Act’, a piece of legislation that provides basic local financial data to ‘First Nation’ Band members. The government lifted sanctions and stopped court actions against ‘First Nations’ communities that weren’t complying with the ‘Transparency Act’. 

“Where this goes is anyone’s guess, but let’s hope the Liberals (and the NDP) do not fall back into their pattern of supporting chiefs against their members.   Continue reading ‘Keep The Accountability’

‘Election Payback – A Licence To Steal?’

“A law without consequence for non-compliance is a toothless law. As such, soon many ‘First Nations’ people across the country will again be in the dark as to how their elected leaders spend public dollars.”
“For all practical purposes, this is a repeal of the act, being carried out without actually bothering to give members of Parliament any chance to debate it. It is ironic that a law about transparency is being gutted in such a non-transparent way.”ERBLElectionPayback-ALicenceToSteal800x800‘Statement by the ‘Honourable’ Carolyn Bennett on the ‘First Nations’ Financial Transparency Act’:

“Today, I directed my Department to cease all discretionary compliance measures related to the ‘First Nations’ Financial Transparency Act’ and to reinstate funding withheld from ‘First Nations’ under these measures.

“Furthermore, in keeping with our commitment to a renewed, ‘nation-to-nation’ relationship, the Government of Canada will suspend any court actions against ‘First Nations’ who have not complied with the Act…” 

Continue reading ‘Election Payback – A Licence To Steal?’

‘Real Change: $$$$$ FROM The Middle Class’

Congratulations to the CBC propaganda machine, Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverly McLaughlin (self-appointed omnipotent leader of ALL decisions, laws, lands & peoples), all the Race Supremacist Native Leaders, and the strong-arm government unions, on their electoral victory in Canada’s 2015 leadership race.
ERBLRealChangeFROMTheMiddleClass800x800We should all be concerned how biased the CBC is with all our money, whether they were biased towards or against anyone or any party. No playing favourites — that’s not journalism, it’s propaganda.

Justin Trudeau, arguably the least qualified, least intelligent, least educated, least suited to the job of Prime Ministership of Canada in the history of our nation, will be a great puppet for the Liberal backroom boys, the “Indian Industry” lawyers, the aboriginal Chiefs for whom we do not vote, to whom he has promised the world. Continue reading ‘Real Change: $$$$$ FROM The Middle Class’