Tag Archives: Indian Act

‘Segregationist Rules Of Governance’

Because of Canada’s segregationist Constitution, aboriginal Band elections are conducted under a different set of rules from all other Canadian communities… 

“A ‘First Nations’ community may conduct leadership selection under one of three possible approaches:

• Election procedures under a ‘self-government’ agreement.
{NOTE: ‘Self-government’ for aboriginal tribes was EXPLICITLY REJECTED by the Canadian people in the 1992 Charlottetown Referendum. Despite this, the government has continued expanding ‘self-government’ IN DIRECT DEFIANCE OF THE DEMOCRATIC WILL OF THE CANADIAN PEOPLE!  Continue reading ‘Segregationist Rules Of Governance’

‘Happy Sir John A. Macdonald Day’

Despite the ongoing attempts of the racist Aboriginal Industry and its foolish ‘allies’ to diminish his accomplishments and demean him personally, fair-minded Canadians – and that’s most of us – will take a moment to give thanks to the man who, more than any other, stubbornly kept pushing for his vision of what became Canada.

“Sir John A., in my opinion, is the ‘godfather of genocide’.”

“A group of ‘indigenous’ protesters in Ontario is taking credit for chasing the name of Canada’s first prime minister off the name of a local pub.

“It’s a huge victory for us,”
said Theresa Eagles, a member of ‘Idle No More Kingston/Katarokwi’.
“There’s {sic} been a lot of people who agree Sir John A. needs to be in a museum. Not in public for everyone to celebrate.”

Continue reading ‘Happy Sir John A. Macdonald Day’

Ontario Human Rights Tribunal accommodates race bullying of lawyer

It doesn’t get any more hypocritical, ironic, and alarming than a native bringing a “whiteman” lawyer up on charges with the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal for posting a disclaimer on his website to let people know he wrote essays about the ‘Indian Act’ in Canada. Lets be clear, this is not a legitimate discrimination charge, the native man filing the complaint was not discriminated against, or refused service — this is a blatant racist bullying abuse to silence a well-known author and critic of the “Indian Industry”, and to ruin his life. What else is new?  Continue reading Ontario Human Rights Tribunal accommodates race bullying of lawyer

‘Is Canada Coming Unravelled?’

Most Canadians are blissfully unaware that many aboriginal leaders are attempting to create separate, independent ‘nations’ {countries} within the borders of Canada — ‘nations’ that would ignore Canadian law while still being subsidized by the Canadian people: ERBLIsCanadaComingUnravelled(2016)800x800“The proposed citizenship law forms a central component of a broader initiative which seeks to develop a self-governing Anishinabek ‘Nation’.”

Canadian aboriginals as a “third order of government” — Federal, Provincial and aboriginal — was rejected for inclusion in the 1982 Constitution, rejected in the five federal-provincial conferences held on this topic, and rejected by the Canadian people in the 1992 Charlottetown Referendum. The continued insistence on this by aboriginal leadership shows absolutely no respect for the wishes of the Canadian people, and the decisions of the Canadian democracy.  Continue reading ‘Is Canada Coming Unravelled?’

‘Aboriginals Must Join Canadian Mosaic’

“Not that long ago, it was a common belief that people from aboriginal communities would, over time, merge with the general population. As employment skills were acquired, people would leave reserves and compete for jobs and other benefits with other Canadians.

“That was certainly the belief of the men who wrote the ‘Indian Act’. Reserves, and the demeaning classification of aboriginal people as wards, were to come to a natural end when aboriginal people became a part of the modern community. ERBLAboriginalsMustJoinCanadian Mosaic800x800“That kind of thinking is now considered passé — almost quaint. It is now widely believed {at least in our universities} that aboriginal people should remain separate from the general population in self-governing tribal ‘nations’, where they are subject to a separate set of rights and benefits determined at birth by the race of their parents. These tribal ‘nations’ are envisioned as having their own economies. The Indian Act, or something similar, would forever treat aboriginal people differently from other Canadians.  Continue reading ‘Aboriginals Must Join Canadian Mosaic’

‘End The Inequality’

“All Ottawa has to do is stop treating people based on their race, and fund child welfare programs in ‘First Nations’ communities the same way they’re funded in every other Canadian community… It’s called equality.”ERBLEndTheInequality800x800“The federal government doesn’t need to conduct more studies and pay more consultants, bureaucrats and lawyers to figure out how to provide ‘First Nations’ communities with proper child welfare services. But that’s exactly what Ottawa is about to do in the wake of a ‘Canadian Human Rights Tribunal’ report that found the feds discriminate against aboriginal people when it comes to child welfare programs.

“Instead, all Ottawa has to do is stop treating people based on their race, and fund child welfare programs in ‘First Nations’ communities the same way they’re funded in every other Canadian community, and the problem would be solved overnight.  Continue reading ‘End The Inequality’

‘Trashing Canada’s First Prime Minister’

January 11th was the birthday of Canada’s first Prime Minister.  Aboriginal groups and their university supporters continue doing everything they can to smear his name as part of the denigration of Canada: ERBLTrashingCanadasFirstPrimeMinister2016-800x800‘Ceremony honouring Sir John A. Macdonald target of protests, vandalism’  

“….a small group of protesters has a radically different view of Canada’s first prime minister, going so far as to call Macdonald a “genocidal maniac”.  

“The ‘passions’ {‘hatred’} escalated overnight, ahead of Monday’s commemoration, when vandals slashed the tires of the event organizer Art Milnes’ car and splashed red paint on the vehicle. They did the same to the car belonging to a local ‘Liberal’ Member of Parliament…  

“While the tires can be fixed or replaced and the paint can be cleaned, he was most disturbed by one other act — a burned Canadian flag left at his own home…  

“Three years ago, vandals also defaced the Macdonald statue, located in City Park, by tossing red paint on it and spray painting the message “This is stolen land” and the words “murderer” and “colonizer” on its base.   Continue reading ‘Trashing Canada’s First Prime Minister’

‘Appeasing Racial Nationalists’

“It is fashionable to blame the myriad of social pathologies rampant on many reserves on colonialism, residential schools, poverty, etc., but the real cause is never admitted: segregation.

“In demonizing assimilation (as if the virtue of social integration after Martin Luther King Jr wasn’t obvious), aboriginal nationalists legitimized segregation.”

–Michael MelansonERBLAppeasingRacialNationalists800x800I dislike nationalists, and racial and ethnic nationalists most of all. Aboriginal nationalism is racial nationalism and Derek Nepinak has been trying to advance that for some time now. He lives in a suburban home with a salary paid by the Government of Canada and is supposed to represent Manitoba’s chiefs (64 or so). No one asks Nepinak what nationhood for a remote reserve like Pauingassi actually means and it’s clear below that Nepinak hasn’t thought out what aboriginal “nationhood’ means in general. It’s like fertilizing the lawn with gasoline before a lightning storm.  Continue reading ‘Appeasing Racial Nationalists’

Petition to END RACE BASED LAW in Canada


WE, the undersigned citizens of Canada, draw the attention of the Government of Canada to the following:

THAT whereas the Indian Act and Section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, (1867) have divided Canadians by race and heritage; Continue reading Petition to END RACE BASED LAW in Canada

On Using The Term ‘Indian’

On Using The Term ‘Indian’

Indian” is the precise, legal and denotative term for what is in fact a purely race-based legal category of persons in Canada. It’s in the title of the ‘Indian Act’ and used throughout that statute. It’s in the Constitution of our country, referring to that class of aboriginals who inhabit southern Canada. (The other two legally defined types of aboriginals in the Constitution are “Inuit” and “Metis”.)

“It’s used by our courts in their many decisions emanating out of this burgeoning area of law. Indeed, in an important Court decision, ‘Keewatin‘, the court extensively discussed what it clearly regarded as the important and worthy concept of “Indianness”.

“To me, it’s offensive and counter-intuitive to our basic civic values that we should still have, and want to permanently keep, any category of Canadians defined solely on the basis of their race — and who would possess a whole series of special legal rights and entitlements based solely on the mere fact of their race — the mere accident of their birth…

“Canada’s ultimate goal in this regard should be for us all to have no need or desire to have the word “Indian” in our Constitution, in any of our statutes, or to be a meaningful legal term generally. Canadian history at least provides us with an explanation and a reasonable “excuse” for the original legal separation of Indians from non-Indians.

“But now, there is no reasonable excuse for our courts, our governments and governing classes generally to further entrench and expand this inherently illiberal and segregationist concept into our laws and civic life.
But even though they have the best of intentions, that’s what they’re doing…

“Therefore, in order that the essentially segregationist and benignly-racist nature of this case be brought to the fore and kept there — in order that the wrong and discomfiting nature of what is happening be not just read, but felt — I will be using, as if it were a verbal hairshirt, that precise, legal, racial term “Indian”.

“If the reader feels uncomfortable seeing and reading the word everywhere because it “sounds racist”, then good! That’s the point — it is inherently racist! And as such, it’s inherently wrong that it’s in our Constitution, statutes and court decisions in the way it is.

“For the same reason — clarity of unpleasant thought — I will be trying to avoid as much as possible the use of those other sanitized, progressive-sounding terms now being used to denote Indians — terms such as “natives”, “elders”, “urban elder”, “aboriginals”, “indigenous” and “First Nations” (the last, a complete recent fabrication, nowhere to be found in the historical record or in the wording of any of the original treaties).

“These are soft, vague, very emotive, relatively modern terms. They’re politically inspired and biased terms, connotative of pre-fall Edenic perfection, poorly supported in law or history, favoured and used by governments, the media, academia and by the “Indian industry” generally, and all of whom use the word “Indian” only when, usually for legal or technical reasons, they absolutely have to.

“These terms all have the deliberate effect of masking the fundamentally (albeit unintentional and benign) racist, segregationist nature of the current situation.

“They also have the Orwellian effect, as most mandated politically-correct terminology does, of clouding clear thought and deliberately constraining and debasing free speech and public discourse on this issue.”

–Peter Best, “Terminology”


It’s amusing (as well as offensive) watching our ‘legal beagles’ and government agencies trying to grapple with the ‘definitions’ that are necessary for the continuation and administration of “race based law”…
but if you’re going to administer people by racial and ethnic categories, then you must divide people into racial and ethnic categories, which means that you must first define the racial and ethnic categories:

From Canada Revenue Agency’s page:
“Note: We recognize that many First Nations people in Canada prefer not to describe themselves as Indians. However, we use the term Indian because it has a legal meaning in the Indian Act.”

And from the Canadian Bar Association…
(“A voluntary organization representing over 35,000 lawyers across Canada”):
“The term “First Nation” has come into popular use as a term of respect for the position of aboriginal people as the original inhabitants of Canada. However, it has no consistent legal definition and its actual application is becoming uncertain as it is increasingly defined in various statutes. Generally speaking, it applies to Indian Bands or groups of Bands and to Indian people, and it is used in that way in this script…”

And: “The Metis are people of mixed aboriginal and non-aboriginal ancestry, but their precise legal definition is not certain… There still remains a great deal of ambiguity.”
“I am aware that some will argue that “First Nations” is indeed accurate, given that some aboriginal groups assert that they have never given up their sovereignty, and assert nation-state status.

“However, to label a collective of 300 or 3,000 people a ‘nation’ or ‘nation-state’, when ‘collective’ or ‘cohort’ {or ‘extended family’} is more accurate, is to make language opaque and undercut its purpose. I side with Aristotle and George Orwell, who asserted that one purpose of language is to clarify, not to confuse, proper conceptions.”

–‘Government spending on Canada’s Aboriginals since 1947’,
Mark Milke, Fraser Institute – ‘Centre for Aboriginal Policy Studies’, December 2013



