Category Archives: Freedom of Speech

‘Book Banning in Quesnel’

One of the worst aspects of totalitarian societies is the pressure exerted on individuals to betray and ultimately denounce friends, relatives, even their own parents or spouse. This odious practice is now being demanded by some Canadian ‘Indigenous’ leaders and local activists in a northern B.C. town – under the guise of “reconciliation”. The crime? A prominent local woman purchased an ‘unapproved’ book and dared to suggest that a few acquaintances read it. Now her husband – the local Mayor, who had nothing to do with it – is being pressured not only to resign his office but to denounce his own wife for her thought-crime.”

–C2C Journal

These councillors should have tried reading the book before making complete virtue-signalling fools of themselves:

“Councillors in Quesnel, B.C., voted unanimously to censure their Mayor, saying his actions related to a book that denies the harms of Canada’s residential school system {which it doesn’t} have jeopardized the city’s relationship with ‘Indigenous’ {sic, Aboriginal} communities.

Continue reading ‘Book Banning in Quesnel’

‘Senator Beyak: For The Record’

This is an edited transcript of a speech that Senator Lynn Beyak gave to the Canadian Senate. In response, the Aboriginal Industry started making her a focus of their attacks, which continue to this day…

‘Senator Beyak: For The Record’

Hon. Lynn Beyak:
“Honourable Senators… I want to present a somewhat different side of the residential school story…

“Today, I will take a broad look at several timely ‘indigenous’ issues that are before us. I speak partly for the record, but mostly in memory of the kindly and well-intentioned men and women and their descendants — perhaps some of us here in this chamber — whose remarkable works, good deeds and historical tales in the residential schools go unacknowledged for the most part, and are overshadowed by negative reports. Obviously, the negative issues must be addressed, but it is unfortunate that they are sometimes magnified and considered more newsworthy than the abundance of good… Continue reading ‘Senator Beyak: For The Record’

‘Paying for the Truth’

The Aboriginal Industry works hard at silencing opposition, and a courageous Canadian Senator is their latest victim:

“Sen. Lynn Beyak, known for {correctly} defending residential schools as “well-intentioned”, has been kicked out of the ‘Conservative’ caucus after she refused to remove “racist” comments {letters of support from Canadians} posted to her Senate website.

“Beyak had posted roughly 100 letters in support of her earlier defence of residential schools…to her Senate website {Excerpts and link at bottom of post}.

“In a statement, ‘Conservative’ Leader Andrew Scheer said he found out about the letters on Tuesday and asked Beyak to remove some of the comments, but she refused… Continue reading ‘Paying for the Truth’

‘Stand Up for Canada!’

From Halifax, on ‘Canada Day’:
A member of the ‘Proud Boys’ — proud of Canada – is told by an anti-Canadian protester that he can’t display the Red Ensign. He then asks why, since there is a Mi’kmaq flag being flown {talk about ‘Cultural Appropriation’!} and an upside-down Canadian flag, and is told that the Red Ensign is “a flag of ‘Genocide’” — a clearly aggressive and provocative insult on Canada Day. Here’s a partial transcript of the encounter — from the video in the linked article — followed by the ridiculous and embarrassing response by some Canadian military officials – people more concerned with Political Correctness than defending Canada…: 

Proud Boy with flag: “So why is she allowed the Mi’kmaq flag but I’m not allowed my flag?”

Anti-Canadian: “You’re not allowed… {?} This is a flag of genocide.”  Continue reading ‘Stand Up for Canada!’

‘Aboriginal Liberals Say ‘NO’ To Freedom of Speech’

“Thunder Bay-Rainy River MP and Liberal ‘Indigenous’ {‘Siberian settler’} Caucus chairman Don Rusnak is calling for the Conservative Party to remove Sen. Lynn Beyak…

“Sen. Beyak refused an invitation to meet with the Liberal Party’s ‘Indigenous’ Caucus, an organization for which Rusnak {who is mixed race – Ukrainian and aboriginal} serves as chairman.

{We call upon the Liberal Party of Canada to abolish its racist and segregationist ‘Indigenous’ {‘Siberian settler’} Caucus, as it is offensive and contrary to the anti-racist and integrative values of the people of Canada. Organizing on the basis of Race is a primitive and divisive tactic that undermines Canadian unity. Furthermore, we call upon the Liberal Party of Canada to expel overt racists — of all races — from its caucus and Party…} Continue reading ‘Aboriginal Liberals Say ‘NO’ To Freedom of Speech’

‘Conservatives Censor The Truth’

“Senator Lynn Beyak has been removed from the Senate’s ‘Aboriginal Peoples’ committee, interim ‘Conservative’ Leader Rona Ambrose told ‘CBC News’ in an interview Wednesday. Ambrose said she made the decision jointly with the newly-minted leader of the Conservative caucus in the Senate, Larry Smith.

“I have been very clear that I do not in any way support Senator Beyak’s comments about residential schools. There is no way to explain her comments {If you truly believe that, you have much to learn!},” Ambrose said. “She has been removed from the Aboriginal affairs committee in the Senate and I think that’s the right thing to do. I don’t think her comments send the right message.” …

{YOU are the one who needs replacing…} Continue reading ‘Conservatives Censor The Truth’

‘Silencing Dissent’

All across Canada, government employees are being forced to attend what amount to little more than one-sided, guilt-tripping, brainwashing sessions presented by the Aboriginal Industry. In Thunder Bay, police officers interrupted one such session to question some of the assertions being made. This resulted in the offended aboriginal ‘trainer’ {What an appropriate title!} packing up and leaving in a huff. The force is once again being accused of ‘racism’. A Thunder Bay officer subsequently commented on a Facebook post and – of course – is now the subject of an investigation that threatens his career: 


“A Thunder Bay, Ont., police officer who posted on Facebook that “Natives are killing Natives” is the subject of an internal investigation launched Thursday by the city’s police service. Continue reading ‘Silencing Dissent’