Category Archives: Treaties

‘The Illegal Lobster Fishery Is Back’

In 2020, the Sipekne’katik ‘First Nation’ {a ‘nation’ of 2,893 people, formerly known as the Shubenacadie Band} issued lobster licences, saying they could sell their catch outside the federally-regulated season.”

This time, in court:

“Three years after a ‘First Nation’ {Aboriginal tribe} started a self-regulated lobster fishery that sparked protests and violence in Nova Scotia, federal prosecutors are pressing ahead with charges against dozens of ‘Indigenous’ {sic} ‘fishers’ {sic}, some of whom are planning constitutional challenges. 

Continue reading ‘The Illegal Lobster Fishery Is Back’

‘The Folly of Land Acknowledgements’

“There are very good reasons for rejecting the land acknowledgements — on the basis that they are simply wrong.”

“Whenever somebody tells me I am occupying the unceded land belonging to this, that, or another group of ‘Indigenous’ {sic, Aboriginals are ‘Indigenous’ to Mongolia and Siberia} people, I confess, the information quickly recedes from my memory. Many other Canadians have likely experienced something similar. Despite the prevalence of ‘Indigenous’ land acknowledgements these days, most people probably cannot say whose {claimed} land they are allegedly occupying. According to a recent poll, only 25% of Canadians believe they live on unceded ‘Indigenous’ territory {Because most of them don’t. Read the Treaties!}.

Continue reading ‘The Folly of Land Acknowledgements’

‘Treaties DON’T Include Free Health Care For Aboriginals’

Welcome to another episode of ‘Canadian Mythology’:
Today’s Episode — “Do Treaties guarantee Aboriginals free health care?” 

“Treaty Number Six was unique as it was THE ONLY TREATY OF ITS SORT WITH AN IMPLIED PROVISION FOR HEALTH CARE. It allows a medicine chest to be kept in the home of an Indian agent for the use and benefit of the aboriginals. Some aboriginals have interpreted this provision as extending to all who signed the Numbered Treaties. It is also interpreted by some as an promise by the federal government to provide free health care to every aboriginal person in Canada – forever.” {CAPS Added}

Well, then — let’s investigate, shall we… Continue reading ‘Treaties DON’T Include Free Health Care For Aboriginals’

‘When Will It End?’

It would seem that ‘Reconciliation’ ISN’T about bringing us closer together as fellow Canadians, but about recognizing our differences and further enshrining them. Our federal government, dominated by the billion-dollar Aboriginal Industry, is negotiating EVEN MORE Treaties, rather than ending this anachronistic practice once and for all. But don’t worry – it’s only going to cost Canadians more money…and another little piece of our country governed by different rules than the rest of Canada, with rights based on race/ethnicity.

Continue reading ‘When Will It End?’

‘Race Based Law Not Fair To Anyone’

Lawyers continue to be the main beneficiaries of Race Based Law: 

“The federal ‘Liberal’ government has spent more than $110,000 fighting a ‘First Nations’ {‘descendant of Siberian settlers’} girl in court to block payment for orthodontic treatment that cost just $6,000, according to documents released under the ‘Access to Information Act’ and shared with ‘CBC News’.  Continue reading ‘Race Based Law Not Fair To Anyone’

‘No Treaty Leg To Stand On’

“There has been a lot of talk of late about treaties from the protesters trying to block the ‘Dakota Access Pipeline’, with the assertion that the land the pipeline is being built on is land the Sioux people never ceded to the federal government…

“…the ‘Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868’ seems to say that the tribe must accept the pipeline…  

erblnotreatylegtostandon800x800 Continue reading ‘No Treaty Leg To Stand On’

‘Governor General Joins The Aboriginal Industry’

“In 1874, ‘Treaty 4’ was signed in Fort Qu’Appelle and last Tuesday, Gov. Gen. David Johnston delivered a speech to ‘First Nations’ leaders during the annual ‘Treaty 4 Gathering’. 


“Johnston told the crowd that he was pleased to be on hand to commemorate the signing of Treaty 4 because,

“In Canada, we are all treaty people.”

{The reality is that the contracts that were the Treaties have lost their legitimacy, as they no longer represent the actual written language contained in those legal documents. The only result of continuing to focus on them is to undermine Canada and whether the Governor General realizes it or not, he is now complicit in this. He had the chance to HONESTLY explain what was intended by Canada when they dictated the Treaties but instead, he hid behind gratuitous platitudes – to the detriment of Canada and its future.}  Continue reading ‘Governor General Joins The Aboriginal Industry’

‘Chief Wants More Money’

Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day continues his push for a ‘partnership’ in the Ontario economy: 


‘We Need To Be Full Partners in All Future Economic Growth through Treaty, ‘Inherent’ and Land Rights, Says Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day’

“This is the 166th anniversary of the signing of the ‘Robinson Huron Treaty’ {See below}. The lands and waters around Lakes Huron and Superior provided the resources for European settlers to farm, fish, mine and trade with our Peoples. The rich resources of our lands {and all the hard work, ingenuity and investment brought by Europeans and other immigrants from around the world} allowed the future economic growth of what would later become the Province of Ontario and the country of Canada.  Continue reading ‘Chief Wants More Money’

‘Pumping Gas Interfering With Picking Berries’

It’s not easy balancing a hunter/gatherer lifestyle and high-speed Internet:

“The ability of (our) children to hunt, eat moose, harvest berries and medicinal plants and learn their language while on the land hangs in the balance.”

‘Blueberry River ‘First Nation’ {B.C.} wants industrial development “suspended in our critical areas”. ERBLPumpingGasInterferingWithPickingBerries800x800“The Blueberry River ‘First Nation’ {a ‘nation’ of 472 people…} has issued a lawsuit that their lawyers say

“puts into question future development in the northeast”. 

Continue reading ‘Pumping Gas Interfering With Picking Berries’

‘How The Aboriginal Industry Wins In Court’

“…in Indian treaty rights cases, the standards of evidence and logic are not what they are elsewhere…

“In these trials by history (i.e, law office history), watching the highly-skilled, forceful attorneys at work serving the Indian cause was a thoroughly eye-opening experience.

“From them, I learned much about the selective use — and suppression of — historical and anthropological evidence…” 

ERBLHowTheAboriginalIndustryWinsInCourt800x800The Canadian people have been confused by a series of court rulings that have re-opened the issue of who owns Canada — 150 years after the fact.

Clearly-written Treaties — contracts with the simplest language possible — are “re-interpreted” and end up meaning the opposite of what they so obviously say.

Canadians justifiably wonder just what in the hell is going on in these courtrooms: Continue reading ‘How The Aboriginal Industry Wins In Court’