Category Archives: Aboriginal Narrative

‘Book Banning in Quesnel’

One of the worst aspects of totalitarian societies is the pressure exerted on individuals to betray and ultimately denounce friends, relatives, even their own parents or spouse. This odious practice is now being demanded by some Canadian ‘Indigenous’ leaders and local activists in a northern B.C. town – under the guise of “reconciliation”. The crime? A prominent local woman purchased an ‘unapproved’ book and dared to suggest that a few acquaintances read it. Now her husband – the local Mayor, who had nothing to do with it – is being pressured not only to resign his office but to denounce his own wife for her thought-crime.”

–C2C Journal

These councillors should have tried reading the book before making complete virtue-signalling fools of themselves:

“Councillors in Quesnel, B.C., voted unanimously to censure their Mayor, saying his actions related to a book that denies the harms of Canada’s residential school system {which it doesn’t} have jeopardized the city’s relationship with ‘Indigenous’ {sic, Aboriginal} communities.

Continue reading ‘Book Banning in Quesnel’

‘The Illegal Lobster Fishery Is Back’

In 2020, the Sipekne’katik ‘First Nation’ {a ‘nation’ of 2,893 people, formerly known as the Shubenacadie Band} issued lobster licences, saying they could sell their catch outside the federally-regulated season.”

This time, in court:

“Three years after a ‘First Nation’ {Aboriginal tribe} started a self-regulated lobster fishery that sparked protests and violence in Nova Scotia, federal prosecutors are pressing ahead with charges against dozens of ‘Indigenous’ {sic} ‘fishers’ {sic}, some of whom are planning constitutional challenges. 

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‘A Virtue-Signalling Lie’

Canada seems determined to confess to committing a genocide that never happened.”

In Case You Missed It – Fall, 2022

One of the most foolish and irresponsible motions to ever pass the House of Commons. Too bad there are no Members of Parliament who think for themselves:

Members of Parliament gave unanimous consent in favour of a motion calling on the federal government to recognize Canada’s residential schools as ‘genocide’.

Continue reading ‘A Virtue-Signalling Lie’

‘Polling and Schooling Bias Pushing B.C. Name Change’

The politicization of pollsters has resulted in them becoming propagandists rather than objective surveyors of public opinion. This article, written by the fellow who runs the polling company responsible for the poll in this story, is a classic example of this: 

“In August 2021, shortly after the federal government announced its intention to enhance support to ‘Indigenous’ {sic} communities as a result of recent ‘discoveries’ {which have proven to be nothing} related to residential schools, ‘Research Co.’ and ‘Glacier Media’ asked {a handful of} British Columbians about the name of their province.

Continue reading ‘Polling and Schooling Bias Pushing B.C. Name Change’

‘The Folly of Land Acknowledgements’

“There are very good reasons for rejecting the land acknowledgements — on the basis that they are simply wrong.”

“Whenever somebody tells me I am occupying the unceded land belonging to this, that, or another group of ‘Indigenous’ {sic, Aboriginals are ‘Indigenous’ to Mongolia and Siberia} people, I confess, the information quickly recedes from my memory. Many other Canadians have likely experienced something similar. Despite the prevalence of ‘Indigenous’ land acknowledgements these days, most people probably cannot say whose {claimed} land they are allegedly occupying. According to a recent poll, only 25% of Canadians believe they live on unceded ‘Indigenous’ territory {Because most of them don’t. Read the Treaties!}.

Continue reading ‘The Folly of Land Acknowledgements’

‘The REAL story of the Wet’suwet’en Pipeline Protests’

We regret to say that nearly everything the so-called Wet’suwet’en land defenders and their supporters have been doing is in direct conflict with these traditional laws and protocols… The protesters have also taken it upon themselves to invite violent people {Mohawks and Vancouver ‘anarchists’} into ‘our territories’… Many are also afraid to speak up because of bullying and alienation by aggressive and confrontational people on social media, who do not know the facts.”

Continue reading ‘The REAL story of the Wet’suwet’en Pipeline Protests’

‘Treaties DON’T Include Free Health Care For Aboriginals’

Welcome to another episode of ‘Canadian Mythology’:
Today’s Episode — “Do Treaties guarantee Aboriginals free health care?” 

“Treaty Number Six was unique as it was THE ONLY TREATY OF ITS SORT WITH AN IMPLIED PROVISION FOR HEALTH CARE. It allows a medicine chest to be kept in the home of an Indian agent for the use and benefit of the aboriginals. Some aboriginals have interpreted this provision as extending to all who signed the Numbered Treaties. It is also interpreted by some as an promise by the federal government to provide free health care to every aboriginal person in Canada – forever.” {CAPS Added}

Well, then — let’s investigate, shall we… Continue reading ‘Treaties DON’T Include Free Health Care For Aboriginals’

‘All Aboard the Gravy Train’

We made this comment over 5 years ago and, unfortunately, it has come true:
So, it will be just like the residential schools — it won’t be about specific cases, it won’t matter whether there were legitimate reasons, and it won’t matter if there were many positive outcomes. ALL will be declared wrong, because living with your ‘own kind’ trumps all — even safety. There will be no discussion of the unfitness of reserve ghetto life for the raising of a child — even while the statistics for drug abuse and suicides continue in the news, now that children are mostly left ON the reserve.” 

“As the year-long claims process for Canada’s settlement agreement with ‘Sixties Scoop’ ‘survivors’ {The pejorative term for the aboriginal adoptees} approaches its deadline, advocates are worried some adoptees will be left out of receiving compensation.

“The $875 million class action settlement agreement set aside $750 million to compensate status ‘First Nations’ {Indians} and Inuit children {by leaving Metis out, they have set the stage for another court case and ‘settlement’} who were removed from their homes and placed with ‘non-indigenous’ {non-aboriginal} foster or adoptive parents between 1951 and 1991 and lost their ‘cultural identities’ as a result. Continue reading ‘All Aboard the Gravy Train’

‘Manufacturing ‘Genocide’ With Fake Numbers’

It was bad enough that the MM‘I’WG report ignored the overwhelming responsibility of aboriginal males and reserve culture, but it turns out that they were also fudging some of the numbers to support their hateful charge of ‘Genocide’ a fitting ending to a predetermined inquiry

“The MMIWG national inquiry overstated in its final report the percentage of Canadian homicide victims who are ‘indigenous’ {they mean ‘aboriginal’} women and girls by misquoting a figure from Statistics Canada — and later quietly altered the report online after CBC News raised questions. Moreover, the version of the report being offered to the public through Amazon is still the original, uncorrected version.  Continue reading ‘Manufacturing ‘Genocide’ With Fake Numbers’

‘I Am a Metis Woman’

“I am a Metis woman. A half breed. What is called a “road allowance Indian“. Too white for the rez and too dark for the suburbs.

“I have been told many times in my life that I am too white skinned to be considered Indian by the very Indians that scream “racism“. Isn’t that racist against “half” of your own?

“I have been told I am too dark skinned to be considered white by many white people. Again. I am “half” of those people, too. Continue reading ‘I Am a Metis Woman’