Category Archives: Segregation

‘Race Based Law Not Fair To Anyone’

Lawyers continue to be the main beneficiaries of Race Based Law: 

“The federal ‘Liberal’ government has spent more than $110,000 fighting a ‘First Nations’ {‘descendant of Siberian settlers’} girl in court to block payment for orthodontic treatment that cost just $6,000, according to documents released under the ‘Access to Information Act’ and shared with ‘CBC News’.  Continue reading ‘Race Based Law Not Fair To Anyone’

‘Rebuilding The Tower of Babel’

The greatest barrier between people is language and the Government of Canada isn’t doing anyone any favours – particularly aboriginals – by erecting more barriers, none of which will help aboriginal youth find success in the modern world:

“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the government will introduce an ‘Indigenous’ {‘Siberian settler’} Languages Act’ in hopes of preserving and revitalizing ‘First Nations’, ‘Metis’ and Inuit languages in Canada.”

Cornelis Anthonisz (1547): ‘Fall of the Tower’

Continue reading ‘Rebuilding The Tower of Babel’

‘Anglican Karma?’

For years, the Anglican Church of Canada has been loudly and proudly proclaiming their support for ‘indigenous self-determination’. Now, ‘indigenous’ bishops in the church are refusing to go along with the church’s support for ‘same-sex’ marriage. They are trying to use their U.N.-created ‘Constitutional right’ to ‘Free, Prior and Informed Consent’ (FPIC) to either force the Anglican Church to reconsider, or create their own ‘self-determined’ ‘indigenous’ branch of the Church…


“The Anglican Church of Canada’s three ‘indigenous’ bishops have blasted their Church’s decision to approve, if only provisionally, changes to the marriage canon which would allow same-sex marriages… Continue reading ‘Anglican Karma?’

‘End the Charade’

‘Cha·rade’ (Shəˈrād): “An absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance.” and “Something that is done in order to pretend something is true, when it really isn’t.” 


“The drums continue to beat hard all over North America for “Native Rights”, a code-phrase for ambitions to claim vast tracts of land — up to 85% of some provinces — ‘natives’ say was wrongly appropriated. Unless it is stopped, millions of us will soon have new ‘landlords’… Many of these claims are being settled administratively, or in quiet courtrooms out of the public eye. No public consultation. No means of protest.  Continue reading ‘End the Charade’

‘More Mohawk Discrimination…’

“If a Mohawk couple adopts a child who is not ‘indigenous’, the adoptive parents have committed an “offence”, according to a new law in Kahnawake, Que. ERBLMoreMohawkDiscrimination800x800“The adoptive parents will lose their rights as Kahnawake Mohawks — which include voting here, living here, being buried here.

“Those same parents, who sacrificed, changed their lives and reached out to make something so delicate as an adoption happen, will pay for that decision dearly, according to a new amendment to the Kahnawake membership law…

“Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Continue reading ‘More Mohawk Discrimination…’