‘Polling and Schooling Bias Pushing B.C. Name Change’

The politicization of pollsters has resulted in them becoming propagandists rather than objective surveyors of public opinion. This article, written by the fellow who runs the polling company responsible for the poll in this story, is a classic example of this: 

“In August 2021, shortly after the federal government announced its intention to enhance support to ‘Indigenous’ {sic} communities as a result of recent ‘discoveries’ {which have proven to be nothing} related to residential schools, ‘Research Co.’ and ‘Glacier Media’ asked {a handful of} British Columbians about the name of their province.

{Canadian Aboriginals are ‘Indigenous’ to Siberia and Mongolia.}

“Many other jurisdictions in Canada have ‘Indigenous’ names, but the westernmost province does not.

“In 2010, a full decade before topics like ‘colonization’ {modernization} and reconciliation began to dominate the airwaves, B.C. renamed the Queen Charlotte Islands as ‘Haida Gwaii’. Last year, most of the province’s residents (56%) said they agreed with the decision {56% is NOT “most”!}. When we asked again last month, support was still solid, with 58% of the province’s residents saying this was the correct course of action. Opposition stayed at 20%, the exact same level observed in 2021.

“Governments and councils across Canada have started to remove specific figures from the public consciousness. Toronto no longer has a street named after Henry Dundas, who proposed the gradual abolition of the slave trade at a time when immediate action was endorsed by many. Toronto is also home to the Metropolitan University, formerly named after Egerton Ryerson, a major contributor in the development of Canada’s residential school system.

{This is ahistorical nonsense. See:

‘The historical record vindicates Egerton Ryerson’,

Lynn McDonald, Financial Post, Sept. 09, 2021

(Lynn McDonald is professor emerita at the University of Guelph, a former MP and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.)



‘The Imbecile Attack on Egerton Ryerson’,

Ronald Stagg and Patrice Dutil, Dorchester Review, August 12, 2021

https://www.dorchesterreview.ca/blogs/news/the-imbecile-attack-on-egerton-ryerson }

“In B.C., streets and buildings named after Joseph Trutch, the province’s first lieutenant-governor, have been rechristened in Richmond, Victoria and Vancouver. Trutch’s refusal to recognize ‘Indigenous’ land rights is well documented.

{Trutch worked for a B.C. government that didn’t agree that Aboriginals had ‘land rights’:

Who Owns British Columbia?’:

It should be noted that ‘aboriginal title’ was considered “extinguished” by successive B.C. governments for almost 150 years. Then, it suddenly made its reappearance when it was imposed on B.C. by an Ottawa-based Supreme Court.”

https://endracebasedlaw.wordpress.com/2016/07/22/who-owns-british-columbia/ }

“The removal of historical figures has not been particularly controversial in Canada.

{? Only someone deaf, dumb and blind could make such a ridiculous statement.}

“Changing the name of a Canadian province is a completely different matter. Still, the needle fluctuated a bit more this year. Just over three in five British Columbians (62%) told us they have no problem with it, down five points since 2021.

“The important variation, and one that is present throughout all of the issues we tracked, is generational {People who haven’t been indoctrinated by the current Leftist school system vs. those who have}. Practically three in four British Columbians aged 55 and over (74%) and three in five of their counterparts aged 35 to 54 (61%) see nothing wrong with the province’s name. However, only 45% of British Columbians aged 18 to 34 concur, meaning that a majority of the province’s young adults are not particularly thrilled with the words that appear in their official documents and maps.

“Only Prince Edward Island experiences the same ‘drawback’ {Why is it a “drawback”?} as British Columbia: being reduced to an acronym. We never see Nova Scotia being referred to as “N.S.” for instance, and single-word provinces are usually pronounced with all of their syllables, four of them in the case of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

{Seriously??? No one has EVER complained about this!}

“Views on what is bothersome about the province’s name have ‘evolved’ since 2021. Only eight per cent of British Columbians (unchanged) are upset about the “Columbia” part. We do see an increase in the proportion of residents who are bothered by the “British” part (19%, up four points) and the absence of an acknowledgement to ‘Indigenous’ Peoples (20%, up two points). This last matter is more troubling for British Columbians aged 18 to 34 (30%) than for those aged 35 to 54 (21%) and those aged 55 and over (13%).

{Once again, the result of school indoctrination…}

“On a separate question, we continue to see a majority of British Columbians (53%) who disagree with the notion of changing the name of the province to acknowledge its ‘Indigenous’ heritage.

{B.C. Doen’t have an “‘Indigenous’ heritage”. Aboriginals played NO part in the province’s creation.}

“Still, this represents a seven-point drop since 2021. Almost a third of British Columbians (32%, up six points) believe it is time to entertain the idea of a modification.

“Two groups are particularly adamant in their desire to rechristen British Columbia. Support for switching to a name that acknowledges ‘Indigenous’ heritage reaches 61% among respondents of ‘First Nations’ {Aboriginal} origins and 50% among the province’s residents aged 18 to 34. British Columbians who supported BC ‘Green’ Party candidates in the 2020 provincial election are more amenable to a change (40%) than those who cast ballots for the BC New ‘Democratic’ Party (NDP) (33%) and the BC ‘Liberals’ (30%).

“When asked whether British Columbia should remove the Union Jack from its provincial flag, the numbers are similar to what we observed in 2021. Just over three in 10 of the province’s residents (31%, up one point) would consent to this course of action, while a plurality (46%, down three points) would keep the ensign as it is.

“Again, British Columbians of ‘Indigenous’ descent (49%), residents aged 18 to 34 (43%) and BC ‘Green’ Party voters (also 43%) find it easier to imagine a provincial flag that does not feature the crosses of Saint Andrew, Saint George and Saint Patrick.

“This year’s survey shows ‘a bit of momentum’ for the notion of changing British Columbia’s name. Although well short of a majority, the idea is particularly popular with the province’s youngest adults – precisely the ones who have been more in tune with ‘Indigenous’ issues {Because of their ’schooling’}. Their older counterparts are not entirely convinced that a revision is warranted right now {Not ever!}.

“Results are based on an online study conducted from October 29 to October 31, 2022, among 800 adults in British Columbia. The data has been statistically weighted according to Canadian census figures for age, gender and region in British Columbia. The margin of error, which measures sample variability, is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.”

–‘Support for changing British Columbia’s name is highest among youth’,

Mario Canseco, Coast Reporter, Nov. 7, 2022

(Mario Canseco is president of Research Co.)


FEATURE ImageAboriginal ‘Re-imagining’ flag (Lou-Ann Neel-Campbell River Mirror)

B.C. Legislative building in Victoria. (Emily Norton-iStock-Getty Images Plus)

Of course, this headline should have read

Majority of B.C. Residents Reject Provincial Name Change’:

Half of young adults support the idea of changing British Columbia’s name to reflect the province’s ‘Indigenous’ {sic} heritage, according to a new survey.

“Approximately one-third of overall respondents in the Research Co. poll expressed support for renaming B.C. for that reason, but the proportion ‘surged’ to 50% among those between the ages of 18 and 34.

“Among the different age groups, people 55 and older were the least likely to approve of a name change, with just 18% in favour and 70% opposed. The remaining 13% told pollsters they weren’t sure.

“Across different regions, support for a new name acknowledging the province’s ‘Indigenous’ roots was most widespread on Vancouver Island (37%) and rarest in southern B.C. (26%), not including the Lower Mainland.

“About 61% of ‘Indigenous’ respondents supported a switch.

{The real story here is that 39% of Aboriginals opposed a name change!}

“People of South Asian descent were the next most likely to approve of the change, with 38% support.

“About one-third of respondents said they agreed with updating B.C.’s flag to remove the Union Jack, while nearly half opposed the change and about a quarter said they weren’t sure.

{‘Indigenous’ artist ‘re-imagines’ B.C. provincial flag’

COLE SCHISLER, Campbell River Mirror, Aug. 21, 2021

https://www.campbellrivermirror.com/news/indigenous-artist-re-imagines-b-c-provincial-flag/ }

“Asked how they felt about the Queen Charlotte Islands being renamed Haida Gwaii back in 2010, 57% of respondents said they supported the decision. One-in-five were against the change, and 23% said they weren’t sure…”

–‘Half of young adults support B.C. changing name to reflect Indigenous heritage: poll’,

Andrew Weichel, CTV News Vancouver, Nov. 9, 2022


See also:

Erasing Canada’s Past: Changing British Columbia’s Name{May 4, 2022}:

The ‘Village of Pemberton’ recently voted to change the name of British Columbia. They have no idea to what, only that it should change. Pemberton councillors also put forward a motion at the ‘Lower Mainland Local Government Association’s annual general meeting. They want the province’s name sent down some Orwellian memory hole. The motion failed, garnering 40%, but that’s hardly a resounding defeat. Expect the issue to arise again, courtesy of the anti-historical revisionists…”


B.C. Schools Now Re-education Camps{Oct.13, 2022}:

This is coercion. Stop shoving this down people’s throats! And if it’s about “education“, stop using the misnomer “Indigenous“. Canadian Aboriginals are ‘Indigenous’ to Mongolia and Siberia:

The Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the ‘First Nations’ Education Steering Committee (FNESC), is implementing a new graduation requirement. Expected to take effect in the 2023-24 school year, this requirement will ensure all secondary students complete ‘Indigenous’-focused coursework before they graduate from B.C.’s K-12 education system.”


Teacher Cancelled For Telling The Truth’ (Abbotsford, B.C.) {Nov.9, 2022}:

“Canadian teacher gets cancelled for teaching truth about residential school deaths.

(Video interview)”



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